2024-09-14 17:15:0014/09/2024 | Romford Buccaneers vs Oxford City Stars | 9 - 2 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2024-09-21 17:15:0021/09/2024 | Romford Buccaneers vs Invicta Dynamos | 4 - 11 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2024-09-22 17:00:0022/09/2024 | Solent Devils vs Romford Buccaneers | 8 - 2 | Planet Ice Gosport | Recap |
2024-10-05 17:15:0005/10/2024 | Invicta Dynamos vs Romford Buccaneers | 3 - 4 | Planet Ice Gillingham | Recap |
2024-10-06 17:15:0006/10/2024 | Romford Buccaneers vs Solent Devils | 2 - 3 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2024-10-12 17:15:0012/10/2024 | Romford Buccaneers vs Swindon Wildcats | 4 - 3 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2024-10-13 19:30:0013/10/2024 | Milton Keynes Thunder vs Romford Buccaneers | 2 - 6 | Planet Ice MK | Recap |
2024-10-19 17:30:0019/10/2024 | Streatham Redhawks vs Romford Buccaneers | 7 - 1 | Streatham Ice and Leisure Centre | Recap |
2024-10-20 18:15:0020/10/2024 | Oxford City Stars vs Romford Buccaneers | 1 - 4 | Oxford Ice Rink | Recap |
2024-10-26 19:00:0026/10/2024 | Cardiff Fire vs Romford Buccaneers | 3 - 4 | Vindico Arena | Recap |
2024-10-27 18:30:0027/10/2024 | Slough Jets vs Romford Buccaneers | 2 - 0 | Slough Ice Arena | Recap |
2024-11-02 17:15:0002/11/2024 | Romford Buccaneers vs Invicta Dynamos | 3 - 1 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2024-11-03 17:15:0003/11/2024 | Romford Buccaneers vs Swindon Wildcats | 17:15:0017:15 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2024-11-09 17:15:0009/11/2024 | Romford Buccaneers vs Chelmsford Cheiftains | 5 - 6 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2024-11-23 19:00:0023/11/2024 | Cardiff Fire vs Romford Buccaneers | 2 - 3 | Vindico Arena | Recap |
2024-11-24 18:30:0024/11/2024 | Swindon Wildcats vs Romford Buccaneers | 5 - 0 | Link Centre | Recap |
2024-11-30 17:15:0030/11/2024 | Romford Buccaneers vs Streatham Redhawks | 1 - 8 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2024-12-01 18:00:0001/12/2024 | Chelmsford Cheiftains vs Romford Buccaneers | 4 - 2 | Riverside Leisure Centre | Recap |
2024-12-07 17:15:0007/12/2024 | Romford Buccaneers vs Oxford City Stars | 11 - 1 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2024-12-08 18:30:0008/12/2024 | Slough Jets vs Romford Buccaneers | 6 - 2 | Slough Ice Arena | Recap |
2024-12-14 17:15:0014/12/2024 | Romford Buccaneers vs Slough Jets | 5 - 7 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2024-12-21 17:15:0021/12/2024 | Romford Buccaneers vs Milton Keynes Thunder | 5 - 1 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2025-01-11 17:15:0011/01/2025 | Romford Buccaneers vs Cardiff Fire | 12 - 3 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2025-01-12 18:15:0012/01/2025 | Oxford City Stars vs Romford Buccaneers | 18:15:0018:15 | Oxford Ice Rink | Recap |
2025-01-25 17:15:0025/01/2025 | Romford Buccaneers vs Streatham Redhawks | 1 - 3 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2025-02-01 17:15:0001/02/2025 | Romford Buccaneers vs Milton Keynes Thunder | 4 - 1 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2025-02-08 17:15:0008/02/2025 | Romford Buccaneers vs Cardiff Fire | 10 - 4 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Recap |
2025-02-09 18:30:0009/02/2025 | Swindon Wildcats vs Romford Buccaneers | 8 - 3 | Link Centre | Recap |
2025-02-16 17:30:0016/02/2025 | Streatham Redhawks vs Romford Buccaneers | 17:30:0017:30 | Streatham Ice and Leisure Centre | Preview |
2025-03-01 17:45:0001/03/2025 | Invicta Dynamos vs Romford Buccaneers | 17:45:0017:45 | Planet Ice Gillingham | Preview |
2025-03-02 17:15:0002/03/2025 | Romford Buccaneers vs Solent Devils | 17:15:0017:15 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Preview |
2025-03-09 18:00:0009/03/2025 | Chelmsford Cheiftains vs Romford Buccaneers | 18:00:0018:00 | Riverside Leisure Centre | Preview |
2025-03-15 17:00:0015/03/2025 | Solent Devils vs Romford Buccaneers | 17:00:0017:00 | Planet Ice Gosport | Preview |
2025-03-16 17:15:0016/03/2025 | Romford Buccaneers vs Slough Jets | 17:15:0017:15 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Preview |
2025-03-22 17:15:0022/03/2025 | Romford Buccaneers vs Chelmsford Cheiftains | 17:15:0017:15 | Sapphire Ice & Leisure | Preview |
2025-03-23 19:30:0023/03/2025 | Milton Keynes Thunder vs Romford Buccaneers | 19:30:0019:30 | Planet Ice MK | Preview |